Consideration of the Theory of Physical Education Based on the Educational Technology 교육공학에 기초한 체육교육론 고찰
50(2) 1-12, 2011
Consideration of the Theory of Physical Education Based on the Educational Technology 교육공학에 기초한 체육교육론 고찰
This study is aimed at making a contribution to perfection of the theory of systematic and synthetically scientific physical education by connecting the theory of physical education with educational technology. Following results were produced from the study. Physical education means an endlessly changing procedure in a form of coexistence of physical activities and educational activities. And The conception of educational technology is generally being recognized as mathematical, mechanical and scientific, but I could see that the final return point is men. I also knew that the conception of men`s educational technology out of educational technology was to promote maximization of learner-centered, not teacher-centered, creative thoughts and learning effects. For this reason, the theory of physical education should be equipped with the conception and theory of physical educational technology to experience synthetic and scientific sports performance. Therefore, the introduction of the conception of the physical educational technology based on educational technology is expected to make a great contribution to realization of distinct justification and benefits or systematic, rational and effective physical education.
Key Words
the theory of physical education, the educational technology
The Connection of the Beauty and the Morality in Sport from the Perspective of Kant’s Philosophy 스포츠에서 미와 도덕성과의 연결 -칸트철학을 중심으로
50(2) 13-20, 2011
The Connection of the Beauty and the Morality in Sport from the Perspective of Kant’s Philosophy 스포츠에서 미와 도덕성과의 연결 -칸트철학을 중심으로
The purpose of this research was explored the connection between the beauty of the body and the morality. From ancient, body have largely focused on negative aspect. Plato who regard the body as the cage of soul consider the beauty as the morality, but his research was staying transcendental world. However, Kant came to be embodied connection between beauty of the body and morality. His four kinds of judgments of taste are closely related to moral judgments. According to Kant, We can pass judgement of taste on the presupposition that all have the common ground. This common ground is what is called sensus communis. The sensus communis is not a fact, but only an ideal norm. And also Kant said the beauty is the symbol of the morality. But these claims do not stay in transcendental world. Kant said one admire the beauty of nature is must be morally good man. Kant’s a priori only in terms of these claims do not stay. Kant, who admire the beauty of nature is morally good man is a moral thing by connections as an aesthetic experience has shown will be available in the world. Schaller insists that moral feeling can be cultivated by various virtuous character traits(including the beauty). So if it possible we can conclude like this. Through experience of the beauty of sport, we will can develop our morality.
Key Words
Kant, the beauty of body, the morality, sensus communis, judgement of taste
Kano Jigoro’s Kodokan Judo and Buddhism 가노지고로의 강도관유도와 불교(佛敎)
조재기JaeKeeCho , 유성연SungYeonYoo
50(2) 21-29, 2011
Kano Jigoro’s Kodokan Judo and Buddhism 가노지고로의 강도관유도와 불교(佛敎)
조재기JaeKeeCho , 유성연SungYeonYoo
This research’s purpose is to find the essence of Kodokan judo through the Buddhist Ideologies implied in the Kodokan judo widely known through the practice of the accomplishments. With this goal in mind, the research has led to the following conclusions. Firstly, if there are still traces of Jujutsu in techniques or mental training in Judo, the three trainings of Judo, which involve the Low, Middle, and High parts would be similar to the three parts of Kano Jigoro’s Kodokan judo training, which are the three studies of Buddhism Secondly, Kano Jigoro saw the troubles as the greatest obstacle in the psychological training of judo. Kano Jigoro saw the troubles as the state of mind that is confused and cannot make right decisions at the side roads of life, or in other words, waste of thoughts. Therefore, Kano Jigoro made 人生行路唯有一耳 (Only one path in Life) as the main goal of the mental training in Kodokan judo. Thirdly the goal of Jujutsu, which is to effectively use the power of the mind and the body to benefit the world, can be interpreted as Kano Jigoro’s understanding that the Good he referred to must be acted out in order to accomplish the goal of building a beautiful world where the humanity lives with no pain.
Key Words
Kano Jigoro, Kodokan Judo, Buddhism
A Critical Overview of the Controversy on Integrative Function of Sports 스포츠를 통한 사회통합, 그 가능성의 고찰
50(2) 31-44, 2011
A Critical Overview of the Controversy on Integrative Function of Sports 스포츠를 통한 사회통합, 그 가능성의 고찰
We can not difficult meet the anticipation that sports can make great contributions to the social integration. In this article, I have analyzed the meaning of the social integration first and critically reviewed several existing assertions about the possibility of the social integration through sports. Based on this analysis, I have offered some conclusions on the role sports can play in the establishment and maintenance of peaceful relationships. Sports must be a very strong integration medium. Then, which factors of sports unify people to such an extent? We can find the reasons in its global popularity, the generalized character of its rule, its playful character, the function of symbolization and identification, the directness of the bodily communication, and a strong binomial antagonistic relationships which sports games generate. Sports have been a very useful mechanism to symbolically organize a group sharing a common destiny in contrast with other groups due to its competitive nature.
Key Words
social integration, integration through sports, sport politics, integration politics, function of sports, multi-cultural society
Logical Backgrounds of Fostering the Studying-Student-athletes 공부하는 학생선수 만들기의 논리적 근거
50(2) 45-57, 2011
Logical Backgrounds of Fostering the Studying-Student-athletes 공부하는 학생선수 만들기의 논리적 근거
The purpose of this study was to provide logical backgrounds for the necessity of fostering the studying-student-athletes, and suggest how this is possible in the school elite-sports in Korea. Luhmann’s sociological systems theory and Parsons AGIL paradigm was applied in elucidating the possibility of making the studying-student-athletes. The necessity of fostering the studying-student-athletes is addressed in cultural context, and problems of our society is contemplated in comparison with countries with advanced sports system. Through this study, we provide insight to the possibility of fostering studying student-athletes, and the necessity of it in maintaining social system. The eventual purpose of the study is not to create student-athletes who excel both in class and on field. It aims to provide them with adequate amount of general education, logical reasoning, and ability to lead a conversation as a social basis for socal adaption in case they drop out or retire. This means, at least a minimum-education or more. Western societies demonstrate the possibility of achieving this. One thing evident is that the western societies did not start out as a perfect system. This is only a first step toward a better society. The government, sports society, schools, coaches, student-athletes and their parents should acknowledge the rights of these students to learn and strive together to make a Studying-Student-Athletes.
Key Words
studying -student-athletes, sociological systems theory, at Least a minimum-education
The Influence of Handball Team Teacher’s Transformational Leadership on Organizational Justice, and Organizational Performance of Middle and High Schools 중·고등학교 핸드볼 지도교사의 변혁적 리더십이 조직공정성과 조직성과에 미치는 영향
이종길JongKilLee , 홍성빈SungBinHong
50(2) 59-74, 2011
The Influence of Handball Team Teacher’s Transformational Leadership on Organizational Justice, and Organizational Performance of Middle and High Schools 중·고등학교 핸드볼 지도교사의 변혁적 리더십이 조직공정성과 조직성과에 미치는 영향
이종길JongKilLee , 홍성빈SungBinHong
This study was designed to find out the influence of handball team teacher’s transformational leadership on the organizational justice and organizational performance of the middle and high schools. Subjects of this study were selected 449 male and female players, who were registered with the Korea Handball Federation in 2010. The results of this study were as followings: First, there were significantly casual relationship among handball teacher’s transformational leadership, organizational justice, and organizational performance of middle and high school handball teams. Second, the higher charisma and intellectual stimulation leadership of teachers are, the higher organizational justice of middle and high school handball teams is. Third, the higher charisma leadership of teachers is, the higher group cohesive power and the higher handball teacher’s transformational leadership is, the higher players’ satisfaction is. Forth, higher player’s recognition of interaction justice caused higher group cohesive power, players’ satisfaction and more positive performance of handball teams. Also the higher procedure justice is, the higher group cohesive power and the higher distribution justice is, the higher players’ satisfaction.
A Study on the Relationships Among Capitalistic Attitude, TV Channel Preference, and Perception of Monopolistic Broadcasting of Mega Sport Events 자본주의적 태도, TV채널 선호도, 메가 스포츠이벤트 독점중계에 대한 인식 간의 관계연구
맹이섭LeeSeobMaeng , 조성식SeongSikCho
50(2) 75-84, 2011
A Study on the Relationships Among Capitalistic Attitude, TV Channel Preference, and Perception of Monopolistic Broadcasting of Mega Sport Events 자본주의적 태도, TV채널 선호도, 메가 스포츠이벤트 독점중계에 대한 인식 간의 관계연구
맹이섭LeeSeobMaeng , 조성식SeongSikCho
The purpose of this study was to provide the base data to find solution of dispute about monopolistic broadcasting of mega sport events after analysis of relationship among capitalistic attitude, TV channel preference, awareness about monopolistic broadcasting of mega sport events. By random setting 500 soccer fans who have visited Sang-am and Suwon Worldcup stadiums in October 2010 to watch K-League matches, we used 456 effective final samples for our study. As it turned out, more males than females and people who are highly-educated than those who have little regular schooling are against exclusive broadcasting, and people who are more capitalistic prefer SBS in contrast to others who are less capitalistic. The result also shows that different perspectives on exclusive broadcasting exist between the two groups, one that prefer MBC and the other SBS, and the group that prefers SBS has higher economic awareness. In conclusion, there are a close relationships between capitalistic attitude, broadcasting station preference, and general perception of exclusive broadcasting by Mega Sports Events.
Key Words
capitalistic attitude, monopolistic broadcast, mega sports event
The Relationship Among University Students` Use Motivation, Satisfaction and Media Functional Evaluation of Internet-media Sports 대학생들의 인터넷미디어스포츠 이용동기와 이용만족 및 미디어적 기능평가의 관계
류정수JungSuRyu , 원영신YoungShinWon
50(2) 85-96, 2011
The Relationship Among University Students` Use Motivation, Satisfaction and Media Functional Evaluation of Internet-media Sports 대학생들의 인터넷미디어스포츠 이용동기와 이용만족 및 미디어적 기능평가의 관계
류정수JungSuRyu , 원영신YoungShinWon
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among University students’ use motivation, satisfaction and media functional evaluation of internet-media sports. The subjects were physical education nonmajor students who are in attendance at six university in Seoul and Kyong-gi area, and total 481 surveys were used for the actual analysis. For the analysis of data, frequency analysis, exploratory factor analysis, reliability analysis, correlation analysis, multiple regression analysis, and path analysis were used. The results were as follows. First, University students’ use motivation of internet-media sports had a significant influence on use satisfaction and media functional evaluation. Second, University students’ use satisfaction of internet-media sports had a significant influence on media functional evaluation. Third, there was a causal relationship among University students’ use motivation, satisfaction and media functional evaluation of internet-media sports. In other words, there was a useful positive correlation among University students’ use motivation, satisfaction and media functional evaluation of internet-media sports, especially it has been demonstrated that use satisfaction is affecting media functional evaluation as important factor.
Key Words
use motivation, use satisfaction, media functional evaluation, internet-media sports
Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization Among Secondary School Physical Educators: Mediated and Moderated Effects of Teacher Efficacy and Perfectionism 중등 체육교사의 정서적 소진과 냉소주의: 교사 효능감과 완벽주의 성향의 매개 및 중재효과
정구인KooInJung , 박중길JungGilPark
50(2) 97-109, 2011
Emotional Exhaustion and Depersonalization Among Secondary School Physical Educators: Mediated and Moderated Effects of Teacher Efficacy and Perfectionism 중등 체육교사의 정서적 소진과 냉소주의: 교사 효능감과 완벽주의 성향의 매개 및 중재효과
정구인KooInJung , 박중길JungGilPark
The purpose of the study was to examine the relationship of teacher efficacy and multidimensional perfectionism to teachers’ emotional exhaustion and depersonalization in secondary school physical education. 576 teachers (472 males, 104 females) completed measures of teacher efficacy, multidimensional perfectionism, and occupational burnout. The main analysis of the data were conducted by means of a series of hierarchical multiple regression analyses as well as moderated regression. Direct teacher efficacy influence as well as perfectionism mediated influence were observed as illustrated by a direct negative influence of teacher efficacy on emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, mediated by the self-oriented, other-oriented, and socially prescribed perfectionism. Especially, the self-oriented perfectionism also moderated the influence of teacher efficacy on depersonalization. Results lend support to the multidimensional perfectionism perspective in school context by showing differential burnout influences of perfectionism and the perfectionism influences to be mediators between teacher efficacy influence and physical educators’ burnout.
Key Words
physical education teacher, teacher efficacy, perfectionism, teacher burnout, emotion, health
Relationship Among Self Management, Sport Emotion and Sport Motivation of Collegiate Athletes 대학운동선수의 자기관리, 스포츠 정서 및 동기의 관계
남정훈JungHoonNam , 이미숙MiSukLee , 김한별HanByeolKim
50(2) 111-127, 2011
Relationship Among Self Management, Sport Emotion and Sport Motivation of Collegiate Athletes 대학운동선수의 자기관리, 스포츠 정서 및 동기의 관계
남정훈JungHoonNam , 이미숙MiSukLee , 김한별HanByeolKim
The purpose of this study was to verify the relationship among self management, sport emotion and sport motivation based on 423 persons of university athletes. The descriptive analysis, exploratory factor analysis, correlation analysis, regression analysis and independent samples t-test were carried out by using of SPSS 16.0 program. The confirmatory factor analysis and the analysis of causal structure were implemented with AMOS 16.0 program. The results are as follows. First, there was a difference between sport emotion and sport motivation according to the bias of self management. The self-esteem, emotion of happiness and internal/external motivation in the group with high level of self management level was higher than those in the group with low level of self management level. The anxiety emotion, anger emotion and motivation in the group with low level of self management were higher than those in the group with high level of self management level. Second, the self management had positive effect on sport emotion. Third, the self management had positive effect on the formation of sport emotion. Fourth, the sport emotion had positive effect on the formation of sport motivation.
Key Words
university athletes, self-management, sport emotion, sport motivation
An Integrative Approach of Psychological Variables for Predicting the Physical Activity of Adults 성인의 신체활동을 예측하기 위한 심리적변인의 통합적 접근
이학권HakKwonLee , 김승철SeungChulKim
50(2) 129-138, 2011
An Integrative Approach of Psychological Variables for Predicting the Physical Activity of Adults 성인의 신체활동을 예측하기 위한 심리적변인의 통합적 접근
이학권HakKwonLee , 김승철SeungChulKim
The purpose of this study was to identify ‘goodness of fit’ in the mediating role and hypothetical model in the stages of change through subordinate variables of the planned behavior theories and the integrative model of the stages of change in the prediction of adults` physical activity. Participants were 430 adults (the pre-stage of planning: 27, the planning stage: 62, preparation stage: 103, behavior stage: 33, maintenance stage: 201; and mean age = 33.21 year-old). In order to measure psychological variables, current exercise stage, and physical activity levels of participants, attitude, subjective norms, questionnaire papers of perceived behavioral control, stages of exercise change, and the questionnaire papers of physical activity were applied. Statistical difference was significant in the stage of change in exercise behavior of all variables in this study. As a result of path analyses, perceived behavioral control had the highest effect on the stage of change, which was followed by attitude. Physical activity, which was explained in the study model, showed the explanatory activity at 31%. Based on the ‘Goodness of fit’ in the verified model, immediate effect on physical activity in the stage of change appeared to be high. Complete role of mediating was identified through the perceived behavioral control in the stage of change. This study indicates that integrative model is used for the effective strategies which can promote the positive change of adults` physical activity.
Key Words
Theory of Planned Behavior, Transtheoretical model
Effective of Behavioral and Cognitive Routine on the Performance of Korea Pro Golfer: A Case Study 행동루틴과 인지루틴이 프로골퍼의 경기력에 미치는 효과에 대한 사례연구
This study aimed for analyzing and examining influence of behavioral and cognitive routines on a pro golfer’s stable performance, and put enough time to make up for previous routine training`s limitations and delimitations, and to make the routines for the pro golfer. The subject was one tour professional golfer who is belong to the Korea Professional Golf Association. The routine orders and contents with sufficient reflection via video recording was produced by authors. The psychological skills to make cognitive routine, routine training and psychological skills in daily basis as physical training were executed and operated by authors. The total 24 weeks training duration was consist of education period, road training period, and season period. This case study showed an actual score improvement than last year’s, and the positive effect on the mental training (private-speech, regulating condition, imaging, establishing goal, and tense relaxation) and the athlete’s self-management test (controlling relations, controlling practice, and controlling mentality). These results proved that behavioral training and cognitive routine training can improve performance on golf competitions.
Key Words
behavioral routine, cognitive routine, mental training, pro golfer, case study
Relationship Between Academic Self-efficacy and Help-seeking Behavior of Students in Physical Education Classes 체육수업에 대한 학생들의 학업적 자기효능감과 도움요청 행동과의 관계
조홍식HongSikCho , 정병근ByoungKeunJung
50(2) 151-163, 2011
Relationship Between Academic Self-efficacy and Help-seeking Behavior of Students in Physical Education Classes 체육수업에 대한 학생들의 학업적 자기효능감과 도움요청 행동과의 관계
조홍식HongSikCho , 정병근ByoungKeunJung
The purposes of this study was to investigate differences in students’ academic self-efficacy and help-seeking behavior in physical education classes according to their individual characteristics and analyze how much influence their academic self-efficacy would have on their help-seeking behavior. For those purposes, 450 students were selected by convenience sampling from the population of middle and high school students in Gyeonggi Province. Gathered data were put to one-way ANOVA and multiple regression analysis with the PASW Ver 18.0 statistics program. The analysis results were as follows: first, there were statistically significant differences in task difficulty preference and self-regulatory efficacy of the subfactors of academic self-efficacy according to the students’ grades and achievements, but there were no significant differences in self-confidence. Second, there were statistically significant differences in all the subfactors(instrumental, executive, and avoidance help-seeking behavior) of help-seeking behavior according to their grades and achievements. Third, the students’ academic self-efficacy had statistically significant impacts on their instrumental and executive help-seeking behavior and negative(-) impacts on their avoidance of help-seeking behavior.
The Exploration on Inequality Phenomenon of Physical Education Lesson Looking at with a View of Gender 젠더 관점에서 바라본 체육수업의 불평등 현상 탐구
50(2) 165-177, 2011
The Exploration on Inequality Phenomenon of Physical Education Lesson Looking at with a View of Gender 젠더 관점에서 바라본 체육수업의 불평등 현상 탐구
Teachers had to consider problems being caused by difference of gender in P.E. lessons. Because of the content of the lessons was based on ‘sport’ built on ‘masculine culture’. Therefore, researchers in domain of sport pedagogy have tried to solve gender inequality of P.E. For theses, the next three perspective in relation on gender were needed. The perspectives were first, ‘fluid gender concept’ expanding to ambiguous gender, second, structural perspective to try to view a gender inequality phenomenon into the context of man based P.E. and, third, I thought that the researchers to comprehend the problem of inequality in P.E. had to consider the history life of students. Therefore, the purpose of the study were, first, to find the structural traits of gender inequality phenomenon in P.E., second, to propose ways to help practical understanding about the phenomenon. The results were as followings. First, I found out the experience of physical activity & gender role socialization as main reasons to influence on the experience and awareness of inequality. Second, I examined closely discriminative cognition of individual students. Third, I examined corresponsive ways of inequal experience and procedural conditions to influence on the attitudes of P.E. Lastly, I provided gender inclination and cognition about inequality as main trait of inequality phenomenon in P. E., and I provided a few practical understanding strategies.
Key Words
physical education, gender, inequality, equity
An Investigation of Hanaro Teaching Model from the Aspect of Character 인성적 측면에서의 하나로 수업모형 탐색
50(2) 179-192, 2011
An Investigation of Hanaro Teaching Model from the Aspect of Character 인성적 측면에서의 하나로 수업모형 탐색
This study is intended to convince students that physical education is an important subject by analyzing its effects on students`characters through"Hanaro Teaching Model,"an integrated teaching model. To this end, 16 (8 boys and 8 girls) 1st grade students of N High school located in U city were selected. The main methods of data collection for the study are non participation basis observation, in depth interviewing and reviewing of students’diary on PE, and supplementary ones include students’impression after the lesson, open type questionnaires and students’assignments. Inductive categorical analysis was used to analyze collected data and much effort was made to prevent any distortion of data accuracy during analysis and interpretation. For this purpose, triangulation, peer debriefing and member checking were used. The results of data analysis are as follows: First, increase in students’ caring mind of understanding and tolerating their friends saying’that’s all right’; Second, increase in self-confidence of ’we can do anything’ through sense of accomplishment acquired from success; Third, increase in the spirit of teamwork, a concept of you and me inside us through realization of the importance of the word ‘us’ rather than’I’. Therefore, we conclude that Hanaro Teaching Model has positive effects on the students in terms of sentimental aspects, that is, characteristic aspects.
Key Words
Integrated teaching model, hanaro teaching model, character
The Effects of Home team Announcer and Color Commentator on Team Image, Identification, Loyalty and TV Audience Satisfaction of a Sports Contest TV 프로축구 중계에서 해설이 팀 이미지, 동일시, 충성도 및 시청만족에 미치는 영향
이민규MinKyoLee , 여인성InSungYeo
50(2) 193-206, 2011
The Effects of Home team Announcer and Color Commentator on Team Image, Identification, Loyalty and TV Audience Satisfaction of a Sports Contest TV 프로축구 중계에서 해설이 팀 이미지, 동일시, 충성도 및 시청만족에 미치는 영향
이민규MinKyoLee , 여인성InSungYeo
The purpose of this study was to provide basic analysis for regional teams and local cable television network by examining whether the home team announcer and biased commentary affect the home team image, identity, loyalty and audience satisfaction. It was hypothesized that the home team announcer and color commentary has positive effects on home team image, identity, loyalty and audience satisfaction. This hypothesis was tested by employing Two Way ANOVA with repeated measure and multivariate data analysis on the data collected from local high school students (N = 137). This respondents were divided into two groups and shown the same video clip edited by neutral commentator (n=68) and color commentator (n=69). The statistical analysis proved that the home team announcer and the colored commentary had positive effects on team image, identity, loyalty and audience satisfaction. In simple words the home team announcer and color commentary is supposed to motivate the fans to support their teams and help the cable television audience to enjoy the sports contest.
Key Words
commentary, team images, Loyalty, audience satisfaction, Two way ANOVA with repeated measure
The Structural Relationship of Consumers’ Perception of Fit and Response Regarding Professional Baseball Teams’ Corporate Social Responsibility 프로야구 구단의 사회적 책임에 대한 적합성(fit)과 소비자 반응의 관계
김일광IllGwangKim , 김수잔SuSanKim
50(2) 207-224, 2011
The Structural Relationship of Consumers’ Perception of Fit and Response Regarding Professional Baseball Teams’ Corporate Social Responsibility 프로야구 구단의 사회적 책임에 대한 적합성(fit)과 소비자 반응의 관계
김일광IllGwangKim , 김수잔SuSanKim
The purpose of this study was to identify the structural relationship of consumers’ perception of fit and response regarding professional baseball teams’ social responsibility activities. 411 baseball spectators were selected by the convenience sampling method from the home-fans of SK Wyverns, Doosan Bears and Lotte Giants. The instrument data collection was a questionnaire that was previously inspected by experts and later found to have construct reliability values ranging from .743 to .940. The data were analyzed by using Window SPSS ver. 15.0 and AMOS 7.0 program and conducting descriptive analyses, bootstrapping, EFA, CFA to identify the fit degree of factors. The results are as follows: First, recognition of professional team’s social responsibility activities influence fit(team·CSR activity, consumer·CSR activity) positively. Second, fit(team·CSR activity, consumer·CSR activity) influence team identification, team brand, repurchase intention positively. Third, team identification and team brand attitude were related to repurchase intention statistically and significantly. Forth, Team identification and team brand partially mediated the relationship between fit(team·CSR activity, consumer·CSR activity) and repurchase intention.
Key Words
CSR, fit, team identification, team brand attitude, repurchase intention
A Study on the Change of Lifelong Sports Promotion Policy in Japan After the Second World War 제2차 세계대전 이후 일본의 생애스포츠진흥 정책의 변천에 관한 고찰
50(2) 225-235, 2011
A Study on the Change of Lifelong Sports Promotion Policy in Japan After the Second World War 제2차 세계대전 이후 일본의 생애스포츠진흥 정책의 변천에 관한 고찰
This study examined about the change of lifelong sports promotion policy in Japan after the Second World War. For this study, The lifelong sports promotion policy in Japan after the Second World War developed in the following six stages. ① Foundation development (1945-1950), ② Initiation (1960s), ③ Diversification (1970s), ④ Maturity (1980s), ⑤ Change (1990s), ⑥ Stabilization (2000s). Since 1945, Japan`s government have generally reformed the society, which is political, economic and educational. Legal bases, such as institutional maintenance, were prepared for accumulating establishment of the Social Education Law (1949), the organization about social gymnastics and maintenance of facilities, and training of a leader. Sports Promotion Law(1961) was enacted for preparing for Tokyo Olympic Games. Specially, in 1990, Lifelong Learning Promotion Law(1990) and Comprehensive Community Sports Club model(1995) has presented in order to solve the problem and challenges of community sports and life. Finally, Sports Basic Act. was enacted in 2000 for improving a Community sports.
The Study of Health Sports Policy for Public Health in Germany 독일의 국민건강증진을 위한 건강스포츠 정책에 대한 고찰
50(2) 237-245, 2011
The Study of Health Sports Policy for Public Health in Germany 독일의 국민건강증진을 위한 건강스포츠 정책에 대한 고찰
This article explores health sports policy for public health in Germany and then seeks to provide insights and information to Korean health sports policy. The analysis focuses on daily sports activities and sports clubs in Germany. This article found six significant features of health sports policy in Germany. First, German Olympics Committee plays a key role for sports health policy. Second, it continues to make quality control for health sports. Third, it forms cooperative network among stakeholders. Fourth, it emphasizes and provides ongoing training opportunity to professional instructor of health sports. Six, individuals can easily access to sports club. The findings imply that Korean government set up long term visions and goals for public health and should be active in its implementation. More specifically, Korea needs to develop practical sports policy, produce diverse programs, and train competent instructors.
Key Words
health sports, sports policy, sports clubs, health sport certificate
Exploring the Definition of Leisure Education in Korean Society 한국적 여가교육 지식체계 탐색: 여가교육 정의
50(2) 247-257, 2011
Exploring the Definition of Leisure Education in Korean Society 한국적 여가교육 지식체계 탐색: 여가교육 정의
This study was intended to provide the body of knowledge of leisure education in Korean society. For this, this study was to explore the definition of leisure education in Korean society. To attain this goal, this study attempted to investigate literature on research design and utilize the Dephi technique on critical and logical step. The Delphi technique was carried out three times to reach the result. Leisure education, compatible to the Korean society, should be defined in a way to implicate as a lifelong education. Leisure education defined as a development of leisure acceptance and application ability in one`s life. To promote and encourage long-term effectiveness, the ‘attitude’ should be active and positive. This study attempts to capture and recommend the ingredients necessary to further develop and enhance leisure education for the research continuous of the Korean society.
Key Words
Leisure education, definition, delphi technique, Leisure acceptance and application ability
Dance Enjoyments as a Predictor of Physical Self-concept Among Elementary School Students 무용 즐거움 요소로 예측한 초등학생의 신체적 자기개념
50(2) 259-267, 2011
Dance Enjoyments as a Predictor of Physical Self-concept Among Elementary School Students 무용 즐거움 요소로 예측한 초등학생의 신체적 자기개념
The purpose of the study was to investigate the relationships between the elements of enjoyment in dance classes and physical self-concept among elementary school students. 260 boys and girls from elementary schools participated in the study. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, correlation, and multiple regression analysis were conducted. The result of correlation analysis showed that in general the elements of dance enjoyment were positively related with appearance, flexibility, regular exercise, and sport self-confidence. The results of regression analysis indicated that the enjoyment regarding to one’s ability use was a strong predictor of children’s physical self-concept. The elements of dance enjoyment relating to fun/enjoyment, flexibility, and health were also influenced to children’s physical self-concepts. In conclusion, the results of the study were discussed with educational aspects in focus on the importance of enjoyment and physical self-concepts in dance context.
Structuralization of the Shinmyeong Experience in Korean Dance 한국무용 신명경험 구조화
백민경MinKyungBack , 유진JinYoo
50(2) 269-284, 2011
Structuralization of the Shinmyeong Experience in Korean Dance 한국무용 신명경험 구조화
백민경MinKyungBack , 유진JinYoo
This study confirmed the structure of fun of Korean dance based on open survey(n=105) and profound interview(n=9). Korean dancers` experiences of fun appeared as 15 detailed factors and 6 key themes from 593 original data and are classified into three upper categories including conditions of revelation, conditions, and results. First, the core theme of the condition of realizing fun appeared as dance elements and certain situations and chances. The detailed factors of dance elements are in the level of music, skills, and improvisation and certain situations and dances appear as spaces and atmosphere and events. Secondly, the key theme of fun condition was produced by stage such as emotional entrance (sense of unity, concentration, and impartation) and emotional experience (pleasure and trance). Thirdly, the results of fun show the key theme of synchronization of dance and emotional change. Synchronization of dance contains confidence, passion, change of attitudes, satisfaction, detailed elements of consistency, and emotional change appears as the creation of positive energy and resolution of negative emotion. This research based on previous researches were discussed the implications.
Key Words
Korean dance, shinmyeong experience, structuralization
The Relationship Among Body Image, Dance Class Stress and Dropout Intention of University in Dance Department 무용전공 대학생들의 신체상(身體像)과 무용수업 스트레스 및 중도탈락의도의 관계
50(2) 285-293, 2011
The Relationship Among Body Image, Dance Class Stress and Dropout Intention of University in Dance Department 무용전공 대학생들의 신체상(身體像)과 무용수업 스트레스 및 중도탈락의도의 관계
The purposes of this study relationship among body image, dance class stress and dropout intention of university in dance department. The study is located in Seoul and four-year college students majoring in the survey were selected from a population of 288 people systematic stratified cluster random sampling were sampled using the method. Data processing methods to analyze data coding for the Windows SPSS / PC + 14.0 Version and analyzed using AMOS 7.0 statistical program were processed for the purpose of computing, from the first survey to verify the validity and reliability and factor analysis and reliability were tested. Data were collected using a questionnaire, the following conclusions. First, the body image of college dropout majoring in part on the influence of. Second, the body image of college students majoring in part to the effects of stress dance class has to. Third, college students majoring in dance classes stress and dropout in part on the impact. Fourth, the body image of college students majoring in dance class of dance dropout of stress and also to form a causal relationship.
Key Words
body image, dance class stress, dropout intention
Effects of Exercise Training and Green Tea Ingestion After Noise Exposure on Stress Hormones in Rats 소음노출 후 운동과 녹차섭취가 스트레스 호르몬에 미치는 영향
We investigated the effect of continuous exercise and/or green tea ingestion after acute noise exposure on the stress hormones in rats. For these, rats were exposed noise at 122 dB maximally after 6 weeks treadmill exercise training. After training, they were divided into control (CON), noise control (NOC), noise rest control (NRC), noise exercise (NEX), and noise exercise and green tea ingestion (NEG), n=7, respectively. Body weight and amount of fats were not significantly difference among the groups. Blood TG was decreased with green tea ingestion (p<.05), and FFAs were increased in the NRC and NEX compared to the CON and NOC (p<.05). NEG, however, showed low concentrations compared to the NRC and NEX (p<.05). Liver glycogen contents were decreased after a week noise exposure (p<.05). And also, liver MDA content was increased after a week noise exposure (p<.05). SOD activity was decreased by the noise but was increased in the NEG (p<.05). Stress hormones were increased after noise exposure but were decreased normally in the NEG (p<.05). These results suggested and we thought that continuous exercise with green tea ingestion after noise exposure facilitates stress recovery.
Key Words
noise exposure, cortisol, corticosterone, green tea, MDA, exercise
Association of Responsiveness of Body Composition, Physical Fitness, and Growth Markers to Basketball Exercise with IGF-1 Gene Polymorphism in Children IGF-1 유전자 다형성과 농구운동 후 신체구성, 체력 및 성장지표 변화의 관련성
Association of Responsiveness of Body Composition, Physical Fitness, and Growth Markers to Basketball Exercise with IGF-1 Gene Polymorphism in Children IGF-1 유전자 다형성과 농구운동 후 신체구성, 체력 및 성장지표 변화의 관련성
The purpose of this study analyzed the comparisons of body composition, physical fitness, growth markers and 12-week basketball exercise intervention-mediate changes according to IGF-1 gene polymorphism in elementary school students. We studied elementary school students who were divided into 2 groups as a basketball exercise group (boy=75, girl= 46) and a control group (boy=40, girl=40). Subjects were measured on body composition, physical fitness, and growth markers. The genotype distribution of the IGF-1 gene polymorphism in entire subjects showed the highest percentage (41.3%) in 19 repeat(192 bp). The genotype distribution of the IGF-1 gene polymorphism showed 16.5% of 19 CA repeat homozygous, 49.6% of heterozygous, 33.9% of 19 CA repeat non-carriers in boy subjects, 18.6% of 19 CA repeat homozygous, 45.3% of 19 CA heterozygous, 36.1% of 19 CA repeat non-carriers in girl subjects. Body composition and physical fitness were no significant differences among groups of the IGF-1 gene polymorphism, although 192/192 homozygous group showed a relative high value of bone age. There were positive results in muscular strength and endurance after 12-week basketball exercise training in all groups. But we could not find the significant difference of 12-week basketball exercise intervention-mediate changes according to IGF-1 gene polymorphism in elementary school students.
Changes in Serum Parameters of Organ Function, Physiological Variables and Cytokines According to the Distance Covered Among Amateur Marathoners 아마추어 마라톤 선수들의 경주시 거리에 따른 혈중 인체 기관 기능지표, 생리적 변인 및 사이토카인의 변화
노희태HeeTaeRoh , 류재훈JaeHoonRyu , 조수연SuYounCho
50(2) 321-330, 2011
Changes in Serum Parameters of Organ Function, Physiological Variables and Cytokines According to the Distance Covered Among Amateur Marathoners 아마추어 마라톤 선수들의 경주시 거리에 따른 혈중 인체 기관 기능지표, 생리적 변인 및 사이토카인의 변화
노희태HeeTaeRoh , 류재훈JaeHoonRyu , 조수연SuYounCho
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different marathon running on serum parameters of human organ function, physiological variables and cytokines. As study subjects, 24 healthy male amateur marathoners were selected, and each 8 persons were divided into 10km course group, half(21.0975km) course group, and full(42.195km) course group respectively. Blood samples were collected 3 times at rest, immediately after race, and recovery 3 days. The results of the showed that the concentrations of serum CK, LDH, GOT, GPT, BUN, creatinine, phosphorus, TP, IL-6, and TNF-α were significantly increased immediately after the marathon race(p<.05). CK was significantly higher at immediately after race and recovery 3 days in full course group compared to in 10km course and half course groups(p<.05). LDH and IL-6 were significantly higher at immediately after race in full course group compared to in 10km course and half course groups(p<.05). BUN was significantly higher at immediately after race in full course group compared to in 10km course group(p<.05). These results suggested that full course marathon race may caused more changes in serum parameters of human organ function and cytokine concentrations compared to in 10km and half marathon race.
Key Words
marathon race, running distance, organ function, cytokine
Comparison of Strength, Bone Mineral Density, Lean Body Mass, and Posture-related Variables by Exercise Career of Badminton Club Members 배드민턴 동호인의 운동경력에 따른 근력, 골밀도, 근육량 및 자세관련 변인에 미치는 영향
Comparison of Strength, Bone Mineral Density, Lean Body Mass, and Posture-related Variables by Exercise Career of Badminton Club Members 배드민턴 동호인의 운동경력에 따른 근력, 골밀도, 근육량 및 자세관련 변인에 미치는 영향
The study was designed to compare muscular strength, bone mineral density (BMD), lean body mass (LBM), and posture-related variables by exercise career of 87 badminton club members, aged 24-57. They were divided into three groups, i.e., control group, 1-3 yrs group, and 4-7 yrs group, according to badminton career. Dependent variables were measured and compared among three groups. Main results of the study were as follows: 1) Difference in grip strength between right and left was significantly lower in control group than other two groups. 2) Differences in BMD between right and left of upper and lower extremities were highest in 4-7 yrs group and lowest in control group. 3) Differences in LBM between right and left of upper and lower extremities were significantly higher in 4-7 yrs group and 1-3 yrs group than control group. 4) Pelvic tilt was significantly higher in 4-7 yrs group than other two groups. Lateral deviation of vertebra was significantly lower in control group than other two groups. It was concluded that positive effects such as increment of BMD and LBM were shown by long-term and regular participation to badminton; however, negative effects such as unbalance in posture were shown by the participation to badminton. Therefore, corrective exercise for posture should be performed by badminton club members.
Key Words
badminton, bone mineral density, Lean body mass, vertebra, pelvis
The Effects of Combined Exercise on the Metabolic Syndrome Factor and Biochemical Bone Marker of High School Girls with Different Ace Gene Polymorphisms 복합운동이 ACE 유전자다형성별 여고생의 대사증후군인자와 골대사 marker에 미치는 영향
임창수ChangSuLim , 정선태SeonTaeJeong
50(2) 341-353, 2011
The Effects of Combined Exercise on the Metabolic Syndrome Factor and Biochemical Bone Marker of High School Girls with Different Ace Gene Polymorphisms 복합운동이 ACE 유전자다형성별 여고생의 대사증후군인자와 골대사 marker에 미치는 영향
임창수ChangSuLim , 정선태SeonTaeJeong
The object of this study was to classify the Ace Gene Polymorphisms of 168 High School Girls of G Girl`s Highschool in G City. A total of 33 girls according to their Ace Gene Polymorphisms(15people of type II, 10people of type ID, 8 people of type DD) were extracted, and carried out combined exercise for 16 weeks, 3 days a week, 65~70 minutes per day(aerobic exercise : RPE 11-13×1set + weight exercise: 50-60%RM×2sets). Through this study the distributions of different Ace Gene Polymorphisms and the changes in the metabolic syndrome factor(waist size, fasting glucose, HDL-C, TG, blood pressure) and Biochemical Bone Marker(osteocalcin, ALP) were identified. Data analysis was using frequency analysis, repeated two-way ANOVA, and paired t-test. The conclusion was as follows: some items of measure showed positive results after exercise regardless of ACE gene polymorphism type, it was verified that some metabolic syndrome factors and Biochemical Bone Marker showed differences according to ACE gene polymorphism type, and it is expected that consistent study according to various exercise forms will be needed.
The Effect of Manual Therapy and Sling Traction Therapy on Cervical Extension Strength and Pain Reduction of Patients with Cervical and Upper Limbs Pain 수기요법과 슬링 트렉션요법이 상지저림을 동반한 경부통 환자의 경추부 신전근력과 통증감소에 미치는 영향
The Effect of Manual Therapy and Sling Traction Therapy on Cervical Extension Strength and Pain Reduction of Patients with Cervical and Upper Limbs Pain 수기요법과 슬링 트렉션요법이 상지저림을 동반한 경부통 환자의 경추부 신전근력과 통증감소에 미치는 영향
The purpose of this study is to suggest the possibility of application of Manual therapy as a conservative therapy by examining the effect of Manual Therapy and cervical Sling Exercise traction therapy on cervical extension strength and pain reduction of patients with cervical. 12 patients suffering pains on necks, shoulders and arms because of herniated cervical discs were treated with the massage therapy. There were not many previous researches on treatment of such patients by chiropractic techniques. The results of the research are follows. 1) In terms of change of cervical extension strength, the patient groups showed significant difference(p<.05) between before and after the treatment. Two groups showed significant difference(p<.05) in many aspects such as period of treatment and interaction with treatment. 2) In terms of pain reduction, there was significant difference(p<.05) between before and after 6 weeks` treatment. The results show that hand technique therapy and massage therapy improve the balance of muscles and reduce pains in cervical spine region. Therefore, a slight increase in cervical extension strength is related to pain reduction and can be treated by hand technique therapy.
Key Words
chiropractic technique, cervical, sling traction
A Study of Difference Physical Fitness and Body Composition by Achievement Motivation in Elementary School Students 초등학생의 성취동기 수준에 따른 체력과 신체조성의 차이
권선옥SunOkKwon , 송광섭KwangSeopSong , 권성진SeongJinKwon
50(2) 365-375, 2011
A Study of Difference Physical Fitness and Body Composition by Achievement Motivation in Elementary School Students 초등학생의 성취동기 수준에 따른 체력과 신체조성의 차이
권선옥SunOkKwon , 송광섭KwangSeopSong , 권성진SeongJinKwon
The purpose of this study was to assess the difference and correlations of physical fitness and body composition by achievement motivation levels of elementary school students. 321 elementary school students were divided into "high level", "middle level" and "low level" based on achievement motivation score. The physical fitness test was performed using the following items: 50m run, grip strength, 1000m run & walking, trunk flexion. The body composition, check items was body mass index(BMI), %fat, muscle mass(MM). Achievement motivation was using the questionnaire. The high level group showed significantly higher physical fitness score than low level group. In body composion, BMI and %fat showed high level group as low figure, muscle mass showed high level group as high figure. The figure showed significantly difference between groups. There were also an investigated relationships among Achievement motivation sub fact and physical fitness, body composition. In the analysis of regression, Achievement motivation sub facts are affected by physical fitness, body composition
Key Words
physical fitness, body composition, achievement motivation